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Halloween in Guam

Last night was our first Halloween here in Guam.  We stocked up on the candy because he had been told by multiple people that since there were so many kids in our neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods that we would see a lot of trick-or-treaters.  We started with two big bags of candy and then a couple days before Halloween went out and got one more big bag "just in case."  So we felt like we were prepared enough to handle all the kids that we would told we were going to be getting on Halloween night.

That brings us to last night.  Matthew and I dressed up in our Halloween costumes (because why should we let the kids have all the fun!?) and put some candles out in our medal pumpkins.  In case you missed a previous post, we did actually carve real pumpkins for Halloween but they lasted all of two days here with the humidity.  So we had our pumpkins out and lit, we had our costumes on and we were ready for the trick-or-treaters!  The time that was sent around to everyone on base for the kids to start was from 6pm until 8pm.  Imagine our surprise when we had three of the cutest little kids ring our doorbell at 5:30!  Oh well the night was getting an early start.  We were dressed as pirates and so the only logical thing to have playing in the back ground was the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean."  We watched that movie while we were waiting to hand out more candy to the kids.  We saw some really cute costumes but my favorite was a little boy who couldn't have been over 1.5 years old in a homemade scuba diver costume!  It was ADORABLE!  We also had one little kid that would not come and get his candy because he was so scared of us! Also, we got our picture taken with one group of kids because they thought our costumes were so cool!  Yepp we were awesome too!

We had been told to expect a lot of kids so we were expecting them....but, we only got 16 total.  After a brief rain storm that lasted from about 7-7:20 there weren't too many kids out anymore.  We had one more set of kids come through around 7:40 but after that the night was dead.  We only got 16 kids!!  And now we have half a cauldron (those candy buckets) full of candy and no idea what to do with it all.  I know if it just sits out that I am going to be munching on it all the time, and I don't want that!  Overall it was a fun night and we enjoyed seeing all the little kids dressed up.  Here are some pictures of Matthew and I in our costumes.

Oh and here is a picture of the Dirt that I made for our own special Halloween treat.

Thanks for reading and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!


Anonymous said…
I think Matthew's pants are my favorite!

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