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The House Post Unpacking!

Finally after over a month since we received our shipment of goods and I did a blog showing the messy state of our house, I have finally reached a state that I am happy to share with you all.

It took a long time and lots of debate but it all finally came together nicely.  I am by no means done with the decorating of the house but I can now officially say that our house is now a home!

Here is the living room all picked up and organized! :)

Our entertainment center with shelves.

I like to think of this as our 'mudroom' space.  It is where Matthew gets ready for work and where we put our things down (like my purse and such) when we first come into the house.

The hallway to the bathroom and bedrooms.

The kitchen.  I am pretty proud of the mat that I made out of those foam gym mats.

Our dining room with the table that we got at a yard sale for $200.00 that can expand to fit 6!

My favorite project:  the coffee/tea center!  And of course our calendar and organization area.

Our new bedroom set.  We are really happy with this set.  

Our dresser and my little jewelry chest.

The bathroom.  (duh!)  :)

And of course:  the "Man Cave"  as Matthew likes to call it.  But really this room is not top priority right now.  Eventually we would like to put a desk and table in here to make it into not only a man cave but also an office and craft room for myself.  That will come with time -- and money!  :)

So that is how the house has come together so far.  I think we have managed to make it as homey as we can without all the work or painting and repainting later.  It will continue to be a work in progress but for now I am moving on to other projects.  Like finding a job!

Thanks for reading!


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