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Just A Little Ranting

So I have ranted to Matthew about this a few time but I feel like putting it out there for all to know:  I can NOT find a job here in Guam to save my life!  Not that there aren't any options or that I have not applied...oh no...I have applied for about 10 different jobs here on base since I got here in August!  I am especially upset with the DODEA (department of defense education activity) school system here on Guam because that is the very first job that I applied for within a couple weeks of arriving on Guam and I still have not gotten the "simple background check" e-mail to complete.  Yeah that receptionist said that it would come in about a week .... that was about 2 months ago now.  But I do have to give her some credit, it's not her fault.  Who ever is in charge of doing these background checks has not been doing their job very well because she has called me a couple times now wondering if I have gotten the background check email yet.

But anyways, I have been hanging around at home twiddling my thumbs and filling out more and more job applications just WAITING for SOMETHING to come through!  At this point I would be happy with the housekeeping position that I applied for!!  Yes I have a BA in Mathematics and I applied for a housekeeping job just for something to do and earn a little cash while my husband is at work.

I mean really this is getting ridiculous!!  I know that I was told that everything here runs on "Island Time" or "Guam Time" but it makes me wonder how anything gets done here when I have been waiting around for this long and haven't so much as gotten an interview!  I am starting to look off base at other jobs that I know are probably going to be even less likely to happen just because I am not a local but hey, what else can I do!?

Matthew and I have even volunteered our time to the USO here and they have these modules that are supposed to be completed so that you can volunteer.  Well guess what:  the USO workers haven't cleared us so that we can take the modules yet...what does that mean....I can't even volunteer my time!  AHHH!!  I am getting a little frustrated with this place right now.  If you can't already tell.  I am not a very good stay at home wife.  Yeah I get the house looking good and I cook the meals but that really only takes a few hours because I do it EVERYDAY!  I need a kid or something to occupy my time! lol.

I am trying to find other ways to earn some cash and spend some time.  For example:  I have created a tutoring flier that I am going to put up around the base and hope someone needs a math tutor.  If you guys have any other suggestions for someone who really wants a job and at this point would do anything, short of selling my moral values, let me know!

OK, I thing that i am done ranting now.  Thanks for reading.


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