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Seated with Christ: An Imaginative Activity

This post is from an imaginative activity prompted from the book "Seated with Christ" by Heather Holleman.  The question posed was: "As an imaginative exercise, describe your seat in the heavenly realms with as precise and vivid detail as possible.  What do you see, hear, smell, taste and feel?  What are you wearing?  What are you experiencing in your mind?"  The following is my answer:

I'm seated, comfortable and relaxed.  I have no worries.  All I can physically do is sit and stare at the majesty that is my most indescribable Lord that sits before me.  The most magnificent smells of the Earth can not compare to the wondrous smells that permeate the air here.  They remind me of some of my favorite smells on Earth such as lavender, the beach and pine wood needles; but there is something else entirely in the air that I can not put words to.  The songs of angels saturate the air but seem to fade into the background at the same time.  The music seems to reverberate into my very soul and makes my heavenly body consumed with worship tot he magnificent savior that is mere feet away from me.  He shares a table with me!  He saved a spot at His table for me!  A humble follower dressed in a simple white lace dress that modestly covers my new, flawless and perfect body.  Free from all blemishes, scares and hurts both physically and mentally.  I am now in my true form.  The beauty that my Savior always saw in me is now visible to myself as well.  I am both overwhelmed and overcome with Peace, His Peace, at this revelation.  At the table is everything that I ever desired on Earth but put on the back burner to pursue Him.  These are my rewards, my treasures are in Heaven at the table where Jesus saved me a place.  All the desires of my heart were fulfilled by Him. I am seated with Christ.


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