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long lost days and couch beds

So I have not been keeping up with this in the past few days considering I have been pretty busy. Thus I am going to do some quick over-views of the past few days so that I can get myself to bed. I haven't been sleeping all that well for a while now and I need to get my beauty rest.

On Sunday Matthew and I went back to Grace Assembly (our old/home church) for the late service. We wanted to go back to Grace since we are doing the mission trip through them and they were having a young adult meeting after church. The young adults meeting was pretty great. We went to Forks Cafeteria in downtown Wake Forest and had a room to ourselves reserved. I love getting everyone together. There are always great conversations. After we ate we had a little talk about getting young adults going again and about this new adopt a school program that they wanted us to get involved in. I am feeling pretty siked about the adopt a school program because it is with a middle school and we would get paired up with an at-risk student and be mentors/tutors with them. That is definitely something that I am interested in! After lunch Matthew and I went to the Walmart off Glenwood road to try and sell some more coupon books. We were only out there for a short amount of time considering the weather but we still sold one book and made a good amount in donations! Over all it was a very successful hour. We came home and ordered pizza since we had a free medium if we ordered a small. I have to say though, Domino's Pizza is SO much better than Papa John's Pizza! Hands down the new recipe that Domino's has is seriously delicious! The night is basically a blur of television and time with my husband from there but I do remember not sleeping well at all! We went to bed early but I stayed up for like two hours extra just sitting there thinking about so many different things. Needless to say, I did not get a great night's sleep on Sunday night.

Monday was a pretty crazy day. It was one of the few days that I didn't have anything planned. But of course that all changed when the day actually came because you can never just have a day with nothing to do, you have to fill it with something right? So after Matthew left for work I got dressed and ate breakfast and then headed out to Macy's. My plan was to get a new professional outfit with the gift cards that Matthew and I had accumulated from the wedding. However, that plan was sharply changed when I looked through all of their clothes and found that they were made for girls that are freakishly tall (which is not me) and none of the pants or skits fit me right. Thus I walked out of Macy's with one skirt that is more of a summer skirt than a business skirt and headed off to have lunch with my husband. Matthew and I watched gymnastics in the break room during lunch and then talked about how he needed a new pillow that was more fluffy than the ones that we have on the bed. I am a flat pillow person so the pillows that we have are pretty flat. After lunch I went back to Macy's to get Matthew a more fluffy pillow. Later it was off to spend some time with my mother since she had taken the day off. I went down there to see her and spent a little time with her talking until I headed back to Raleigh to fuss out the people in the main office of our apartment for the black stuff that has been coming out of our tub. They really did try to work with me, the assistant manager actually came over to the apartment to see what I was talking about. Of course the stuff didn't come out when I turned on the water since I actually wanted it to come out. I had to run to the grocery store to run back to the apartment to talk to the maintenance guy and then cook dinner before Matthew got home. Needless to say it was a pretty stressful day and I just wanted to cuddle with my husband and tell him all about it. You know how when you want something to go one way and then it goes a totally different way? Well yeah that is basically what happened Monday night and Matthew and I got into a pretty bad rift over that. I ended up sleeping (or not sleeping if you want to be specific) on the couch, on my own choice of course.

Today has been a pretty busy day as well. I got up earlier than normal to get ready to go to Senior orientation for teaching fellows. I didn't talk to Matthew much cause I was not in a good mood after sleeping on the couch. I left and went to the meeting where basically we sat around and listened to a bunch of people talk about the different programs that Wake County School System offers that may be different from other school systems. Matthew and I talked during lunch and we made up thank goodness. I came back after the meeting and hit the couch again to take a nap. I tell you what that was one of the best naps in a long time considering how tired I was. Dinner was made when Matthew got home and words were exchanged and some tough conversation went on but now we are just enjoying each other's company and getting ready to head off to bed.


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