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Showing posts from March, 2010

a quote worthy of remembering

Today my lovely husband and I decided to go for a walk around Lake Lynn right outside of our apartment. It was really a great walk and we got talk about a lot of different things that we had been thinking about lately. There was one thing that Matthew said that I felt was definitely worthy of writing a separate post about. We were talking about there always being a way to get something done with God on our side. Matthew said, and I quote, "Where there is a will there is a way. But what if Will is not around?" I just thought that that was the most hilarious thing to say and hope that yall enjoy it as much as I did!

pictures here and pictures there

God's beauty continues to amaze me. It is refreshing when you can find beauty like this in your own backyard of a large city like Raleigh. I went out for a little walk by myself on Sunday and wondered upon this beautiful scenery. Also, we recently received news that our wedding album has arrived! I will be picking it up tomorrow afternoon! Totally excited!

catching up and prayful hearts

Yeah so I know it has been a while since I last posted, I have had a lot going on in the past few weeks. But I am writing now to get things updated a little. Last week was Meredith's spring break. It wasn't to much of a spring break for me however since I had to spend Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at a conference for teaching fellows (senior orientation). I went to visit my mom on Monday, then went to the orientation on Tuesday. Wednesday was a crazy day because I woke up throwing up and had to stay home from the orientation, only to be able to make up for my missed day with a paper. Thursday I went back to the orientation because I was feeling well enough to sit through it and if I hadn't then I would have had to make the entire thing up next year or over the summer. For the weekend we spend some time with Matthew's mother helping her plant some trees on Saturday. Sunday we went to the Walmart in Louisburg to try and sell some more coupon books. We ended up ...

sick days and guy's night

Today I woke up with the worst sensation that I was going to throw up. I also had a horrible throat pain that came along with the cold room that we slept in that night. (Matthew had the same throat thing) As the morning went on I kept of feeling worse and worse. I didn't know what was wrong with me, and still don't. I got dressed and drove out to the location where we were having senior orientation. As soon as the first person that was supposed to lecture started talking I felt like I was going to pass out if I stayed. I figured it would be rude if I puked or fell asleep during someone's presentation so I decided that it was probably best if I went ahead and went home. I was really upset that I could not hold out for the whole day because now I think that I may have to make up the senior orientation either this summer or next year. That would totally suck! I went home and slept. It was so weird because I had so many different symptoms going through my body (you n...

long lost days and couch beds

So I have not been keeping up with this in the past few days considering I have been pretty busy. Thus I am going to do some quick over-views of the past few days so that I can get myself to bed. I haven't been sleeping all that well for a while now and I need to get my beauty rest. On Sunday Matthew and I went back to Grace Assembly (our old/home church) for the late service. We wanted to go back to Grace since we are doing the mission trip through them and they were having a young adult meeting after church. The young adults meeting was pretty great. We went to Forks Cafeteria in downtown Wake Forest and had a room to ourselves reserved. I love getting everyone together. There are always great conversations. After we ate we had a little talk about getting young adults going again and about this new adopt a school program that they wanted us to get involved in. I am feeling pretty siked about the adopt a school program because it is with a middle school and we would get ...

throbbing feet and delivery pizza

Today Matthew and I had this wonderful idea that since we did not have anything planned for our Saturday that we would go for a walk. It started off with just a walk around the lake off from our apartment and ended up with us walking all the way to Crabtree Valley Mall. For those of you that don't know, the mall is about 5 miles away from the apartment. We were all hyped up that we were going to walk to the mall and eat some lunch then go to best buy to look at receivers for speakers that we may get from my brother. The walk down there was not to bad. It took us a little under an hour to get down to the mall. The last stretch I have to say was the worst for me because Matthew was walking faster since he knew that we were almost there. We took a go amount of time eating and sitting down in the mall so that we could relax a little. By this time I was in a little bit of pain from all the walking on hard pavement with shoes that I don't wear all that often. The part that I...

life's like a box of chocolates

I didn't know what I was going to get today. I got another normal day! Wahoo sounds like fun right. I had quiz in my bio class, lunch at subway with my husband, and a 'class' where we watched a movie about gay men adopting children. Tonight proves more interesting as Matthew and I enjoy each others company sitting on the coach cuddled under a cozy blanket. Now there is something that I would like to share my insight on with you all. Recently I have been learning about different theologists of the early 16th to the 17th century. One of these theologists is Martin Luther. Martin Luther believed that salvation was only reached though faith in God alone and not through works on Earth. He said that everything is dependent on God and nothing can happen without it being in His will. One quote that resonated with me most was: “A Christian is a perfectly free lord, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject to all.” Now this quote is very ...

black outs and study sessions

So I have missed a few posts but that ok right? I mean that is what these things are for! Sunday was a fun day. First there was church then Walmart for 4 hours. Yes that is right I said FOUR hours and we even left with more money than we came with! How is this possible? Well we were selling coupon books of course! Yep more of those coupon books for the missions trip. We sat outside of the Walmart in Wake Forest and sold five books. There were also some pretty generous donations given to us. It definitely required some stepping out of the comfort zone because we were solely in charge of the whole deal. The weather was beautiful so we couldn't have asked for a better day to be out there. I even think that I got a little sun on my face! After about hour 3.5 we were all getting hungry thus we hurried on over to matthew's mother's house for some chow. Mondays are basically mondays. I mean who really likes Mondays? I know I don't. Out of all the days of the w...

hair cuts and laziness

Man oh man have I got a story to go down in the books today!! OK so today is one of the first Saturdays that Matthew and I have had absolutely free of things to do in a while. So what do we decide to do? Be lazy of course! The morning started off great with Matthew making us pancakes for breakfast and then it moved right along into our laziness. We decided to be a little bit productive because it was about time for Matthew to have his hair cut. I am his own personal barber, or so I thought. There was a bit of an incident with the hair clippers that I bought him for Christmas. First off there was the fact that I forgot to put the guard on the clippers before I started to cut his hair. Thus there was a little bit to much hair cut off in the back! I felt so bad about this because I felt like I ruined his hair. Normally I am a great barber, honest. Matthew, however, being the amazing husband that he is, did not get mad in the slightest. He actually thought that it was funny! ...

creativity and coupons

Ah Fridays. You gotta love 'em. On Fridays this semester I only have one 11:00am class (Biology and Society)and after that I am totally free to enjoy my early start of the weekend. Although, with my many responsibilities I tend to have a few errands that have to be taken care of after classes. Nothing different today. After class I went to eat lunch with my husband. I do this most every Monday, Wednesday and Friday because he has lunch at 12:00 and it is easier for me to go eat with him and then go back to school for my next class than it is to go all the way back to the apartment. Plus it is always nice to be able to see him in the middle of my day! After lunch I had to get some things settled for the fundraiser that we are having to raise money for the missions trip that we will be going this summer. We are taking a trip to Montana to work with youth from six different Native American tribes. We are extremely excited and know that God wants us to be on this trip. Thu... blogging

So this is all new to me and I decided tonight to try it out. I figure it is like a diary online that everyone can see right? Well however you choose to use it I am going to use it as a way of collecting all of my major events of our first year of marriage. I want to be able to come back to this later on in life and read all about what happened during our first year. I have been told that the first year is the far I have to say that I am enjoying marriage immensity! Matthew and I were married January 2, 2010. Yes that is 01-02-2010; the same what forward and backward. And no we did not plan the date to be a palindrome it just so happened that we discovered that after we decided on the date. It is now March 4th, a couple months and a couple days since we have been married so I am a little late on the year of blogging but I just discovered how easy it is today. I am excited to get started with this whole task. I am challenging myself to continue to stick with this ...