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Hiking the Spanish Steps

Today Matthew and I took our first hike on Guam.  We had been waiting for my hiking boots to come in but got tired of waiting and just went for one!  So Matthew told me that we could go to the Spanish Steps today and walk to the beach.  I though, 'hey yeah that sounds like fun'.  Little did I know what I was in for.  It was not really a walk as much as a climb, through the jungle!  Literally, we were in the jungle.  With palm trees and little visibility due to all the vegetation.

There were points where there were nice clear trails that we could follow easily.  Other times the only way you could tell that you were still on the right path was when you found a pink marker around a tree.

But it was literally a climb at the beginning and coming back.  This picture was taken on the walk back to the car.  These are the 'Spanish Steps' that were built by the Spanish (surprise surprise) in order to bring in goods from the water port at the bottom.

This Matthew climbing up the steps.  Sorry it is so blurry but it was raining at this point and I didn't want to ruin the phone by keeping it out in the rain to take a picture.

There were A LOT of these crabs on the jungle floor as we were hiking.  They are everywhere on the island!

Here is a short video that we took when we got caught in a rain storm on our hike.  Enjoy!

(I couldn't get the video to upload directly to the blog so I had to upload it to youtube first.  Sorry.)

Oh and on our way back home we came across a momma wild pig and her two piglets on the side of the road.  Momma pig was being very protective and staring us down! 


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