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The "things" that I miss from home.

Ok so I know how blessed I am to be living on Guam and believe me I am enjoying myself so far!  However, there are a few things that I miss that were easily attainable in Raleigh.  Here there are only a few places to go where you can get things for projects (crafty or otherwise).Here are my options:

On Base:

Naval Exchange Center (NEX):  This is basically your walmart of a military base.  They carry everything from clothes to tvs to sporting equipment and kids toys.  But the good thing about the NEX is they also carry name brand materials.  (Like my favorite Bath and Body Works lotion and soap).

Exchange Home Center:  This is where you get all your garden items, lawn/outdoor items, and applicances for the home.

Exchange Furniture Center:  Where you get furniture (obviously).

Off Base:

K-Mart:  Yepp there is a Kmart here.  The only problem with it:  ALL THE JAPANESE TOURIST GO THERE!!  Like no kidding, Matthew and I were in that part of the neighborhood last friday night around 10:30 and so we decided to stop and see if they had a few things that we were thinking about getting for the house.  There were SOOO many Japanese people there shopping it was crazy.  You could not walk through the main isles because there were so many bodies!  And that was on a friday night....I thought you were supposed to be out enjoying the city when you are on vacation?   Apparently Kmart is a big tourist attraction in Guam.  

Home Depot:  OK so not as many tourist in this store.  And the one here is pretty nice.  Only problem:  it's pricey.  And it can be, because it is the only home improvement specialized store on the island!  

Benjamin Franklin Crafts:  I have not been here yet but every where I have looked says that this is the only specialized craft store on the island and that they get their shipment of craft items every 6-8 weeks and they don't know exactly what will be in the shipment.  I am apprehensive about making my first journey into this store.  I don't want to be let down! 

And that about does it as far as places to go and get crafty project stuff.  There are a few small furniture stores off base that we have ventured to.  All of it is pricey because they can be.  All in all, we will be spending a lot more money here than we would stateside.

What I Miss Most:

  • Target:  cute curtains and rugs on the cheap
  • Micheal's:  Modge Podge, canvases, paint colors galore!, unfinished crates and shelving
  • Glenwood Ave:  with all the choices of furniture at competitive prices
  • Walmart:  Yes walmart made it on the list.  As much as I don't want to admit it, walmart has cheap stuff and lots of options.  That is something I took for granted and am now wishing I had that option here.
  • Kroger:  The Commissary here (the grocery store) is HUGE and it would take me an hour to go down every isle.  I like knowing exactly where everything is in my small grocery store and being able to get in and get out quickly.  Which I guess will happen here eventually once I get used to the place.

OK OK I am done ranting now.  I love it here, I am just going to have to get used to some changes, less options, higher prices.  Everything will be fine.  

:)  Thanks for reading my rant  :)


Anonymous said…
If you cant find modge podge you can try making it...I think I have a pin on my diy board on pinterest that tells you how to make it! -Stephanie

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