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Road Tripping Around the South End of the Island

On Monday morning Matthew and I went around the southern half of the island exploring.  For those of you that have asked:  Yes Guam is a tropical paradise!  It is the perfect place for an adventurous, young couple that loves to explore!  Matthew and I are anxious to get out and go hiking, snorkeling, swimming and much more around the island!  Here are some pictures that we took on our trip.

Most of the beaches here have a short sandy area then coral all in the water so you have to wear water shoes.  There are sandy spots that you can hang out in though.

I thought this was so cool.  Its an island of coral that a tree has grown on!

This is a War Memorial right off the base and it is where a lot of chicken and rosters hang out.  The smaller one in this picture was ruthless!  He ran straight at me when I was trying to take the picture.  Who would have thought I would be scared of an animal so small I could kick it away.  But man did I book it back to the car!  I guess I was in his/her territory or something.

Ignoring the power lines and road, this looks a lot cooler in person.  Basically this is the mountainous region of the island, the part that Matthew and i are going to work up to when we hike.

Beautiful right!?  See what I mean:  tropical paradise!

This is a memorial site on top of one of the mountains.  We will eventually be able to hike up there and get better pictures.

Right, right!!!  :)

The island out there is a big tourist attraction but Matthew and I are going to go out there for at least one weekend and check it out.  It is supposed to have a lot to do.  

Here we are, looking out over the southern part of the island and into the Pacific Ocean.

A lot of the roads were like this on our drive, winding and curving going up hill and down hill.  The speed limit was basically 35 the entire time. 

A bridge that we came across in a small town down south.

A closer look at that island I mentioned earlier.

Matthew thought this was a really cool rock.  What does it look like to you?  Matthew thought it looked like a bear.

A stop along the way where we could sit on the rocks and watch the tide roll in.

Those lines in the terrain are the roads that we took to go up the hills and around the island.

A blue crab!  These are seen all over the island here. 

I have been spoiled the past few days with Matthew having leave and being able to spend every day with me.  We were able to take a tour around the south end of the island.  We have to save the north end for another weekend when we have time.


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