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Two Lover's Point

So today Matthew and I took a ride up to Two Lover's Point at the northern end of the island.  It is basically a tourist attraction but we wanted to go see it at least once during our time here.  BUT...before we did that we had to get one very important task taken care of:  Give Pluto a BATH!

For those of you who have been keeping up with the blog you know that Pluto is a retired MWD that we have taken in for a few months until his paperwork and processing is finalized for his adoption.  Well, in the time that we have had him (just 3 days) he has captured my heart, but not my NOSE!  He SMELLS BAD!!  It's from all those days and months hanging out in his kennel where he could use the bathroom anytime and roll all in it.  SO, needless to say he was smelling up the back room in the house.  It was time.  This morning after he ate breakfast we took him out on the back porch and gave him a nice long shower/bath with the hose.  He started smelling better right away!  I even cleaned down the back laundry room to try and kill some of the smell in there.  When we finished we took Pluto for a walk to dry off and then he hung out in the garage for a few hours.

Later on around noon time Matthew and I decided to head out to Two Lover's Point.  We put Pluto in his kennel and  started off North.  Of course since we are still trying to find items to furnish the house we stopped at a few furniture stores along the way.  There are not many furniture store on the island and most of it is cheap laminate that is WAY overpriced!  So we didn't find anything that we wanted just yet.

After about a 20 minute drive we were at Two Lover's Point.  Here is the legend of the point and why it is so popular:  

Once long ago, in the time when Spain ruled Guam, there was a proud family living in Hagatna, the capital city.  The father was a wealthy Spanish aristocrat and the mother was the daughter of a great Chamorro chief.   The family owned land and were highly esteemed by all, Chamorro and Spanish alike.
Their daughter was a beautiful girl, admired by all for her honesty, modesty, and perfectly natural charm.  Her beauty bestowed the greatest pride and dignity unto her family.
One day, the girl's father arranged for her to take a powerful Spanish captain as her husband.  When the girl discovered this, she was so distraught that she ran from Hagatna all the way to the north of Guam until she found a secluded and peaceful shore.
There, on the moonlit shore, she met and fell in love with a young warrior from a very modest Chamorro family.  He was gentle, with a strong build, and had eyes that search for meaning in the stars. 
When the girl's father learned of the two lovers, he grew angry and demanded that she marry the Spanish captain at once.  That day at sundown, she stole away to the same high point along the shore, and once again met her Chamorro lover.
Her father, the captain, and all the Spanish soldiers pursued the lovers up to the high cliff above Tumon Bay.  The lovers found themselves trapped between the edge of the cliff and the approaching soldiers.  All the young warrior could do was warn them to stay back, and the father ordered the soldiers to halt.
The lovers tied their long black hair into a single knot.  And acting as if they were entirely alone, they looked deeply into each other's eyes and kissed for the final time.  Then they leaped over the long, deep cliff into the roaring waters below.
Her father and all who remained rushed to the edge to stare in great anguish.
Since that day, Chamorros have looked to the jutting peak above Tumon Bay with reverence.  The two lovers remain a symbol of true love--a love in which two souls are entwined forever in life and in death.  Forever after, the high point on the cliff was known as Two Lovers Point.

Here are some pictures from the day:
The entrance.

They sell these locks with foam hearts that you could write a little love note on and then lock the lock on the fence.  There is a bridge like this in Paris where you actually use your own lock and throw the key in the water so the lock can 'never be unlocked or broken'.

The over look from the lower section of the cliff.

The legend in stones.

Looking down.

View from the top of the cliff.

This is the peak of Two Lover's Point.

I was nervous walking all the way out to the peak.  It was hanging over the water off the cliff.  Notice my grip on the rails! lol

And here are some pretty tropical flowers that I took some shots of.  Sorry they aren't the best quality, the wind was blowing and I couldn't get a still shot very easily.

So after we left Two Lover's Point we decided to adventure down another road that was near by.  We ended up on the road pictured below.  Mind you we are in a little toyota corolla and these 'puddles' are more like tiny ponds because the pot holes were so big.  I made Matthew turn around even though it was a pretty cool secluded beach area.

One more interesting thing about this island:  you don't see many lawn mowers.  Most of the guys that cut the grass use weed whackers.  So they have to wear all this protective gear right!?  Well Matthew and I have a new name for these guys that you will see all over the island on the sides of roads and such.  They are now called GRASS NINJAS!  See the photo below and you will be able to tell why we gave them such a name.

Funny right!

So tonight we will be heading to the big base theater to see The Heat.  I have already seen it but Matthew hasn't and it is just so funny that seeing it twice will be great.

Hope you all are have a good time in the states casue I know I am enjoying myself over here!


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