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Gender Reveal!!

It is finally time to reveal what so many people back home are waiting for...the reveal of our baby's gender!  I won't muck up the post with a whole bunch of words, I'll let yall experience it as much as you can through the pictures.  But I do have to say thank you to everyone that helped out and that came out to celebrate with us!  It really came together nicely and was so much better than I could have ever planned on my own!  Matthew and I had a blast and appreciate everything everyone did!

So on to the pictures....

First we went to get the ultrasound done and had the tech put the pictures with the gender in a special envelop for later.

Then we gave that envelop to Stephanie, our cake maker! 

Here are some pictures of the setup of the party.

 Lots of good food!

This is the girls' name suggestion tree.

And this is the boys' name suggestion tree.

This is a gender raffle game that we played.  Turns out .... Matthew won! :)

And finally it came time cut the cake!!

Pre-cake cutting (notice me trying to hide the knife from the picture and failing horribly)

I was soooo nervous!  Matthew and I both were!

Don't you just love our expressions!?



Checking the ultrasound photos!

And now we are both TEAM PINK all the way!!  We are thrilled to be having a beautiful baby girl to add to our family and can't wait to be able to start decorating the nursery! 



Melinda said…
Awesome! Congrats!
Anonymous said…
Haha this is my third time reading this. SO EXCITED!!!! Girls are so fun. Because you can spoil them! We keep saying we would never spoil a son the way we are Rory. ;)

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