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Answering Questions

*Update*:  As of today, 6/28/14 we are pretty set as far as the essentials go for baby girl.  We have received many donations from friends here on island that have helped out a lot with stocking up on certain things.  We also had a nice skype baby shower party from which we received a good amount of goodies.  If there was anything else that I could think of that I would like to have for our little girl it would be marked in the post below.  A couple things that are not marked though would be an activity/play mat and a couple more swaddle blankets (the ones with the velcro closure).  Other than that we have a lot of 3-6 month clothes but a lot less of the newborn, 6-9 and on clothes.  She could also use some more hats and mittens as well as baby sized clothes hangers.  :) Thanks for all that everyone has done to help us prepare for our first precious bundle.  We have been so blessed to be able to get almost everything we needed/wanted for a fraction of the cost!  

Recently Matthew and I have been getting the questions about what we want/need for the baby and what we have already gotten.  So I decided to make this post all about the multitude of 'stuff' that we have or do not have for the upcoming arrival of our little one.  *Disclaimer:  This is for all those family members and friends back home and all over that have asked the question of what we want/need.  We are not by any means asking people to get us this stuff now...unless you want to! :)

This information is a little early, we know, considering we haven't discovered the gender of our precious baby yet.  We have been holding off a lot of our buying until we get that information just because it will be easier to purchase for the little one when we know what gender he/she is.

Alright, what we have already gotten is as follows:

  • Diaper bag
  • Pack-and-Play
  • Gender neutral set of onesies, bibs, towels, hats, blankets (gift set from a Preparing for Baby class)
  • Nursing Pillow
  • Small Sling
  • Moby Wrap
  • 10 Cloth diapers
  • Bassinet Type sleeper
  • In-Bed Co-sleeper
  • Newborn Disposable Diapers (about 5 packs stocked up already)
  • Baby Bathtub
  • Changing pad and cover
  • Nightlight
  • Crib and Mattress
  • Changing Table/Dresser
  • Teethers
  • Bouncer
  • Jumper
  • Carseats and Stroller 
Everything that we have purchased thus far has been used (save for one cloth diaper).  We are trying to go as low budget as possible seeing as babies are only little for so long.  :)

We are going to purchase some of the following bigger items one month at a time:
  • Crib
  • Changing table/Dresser
  • Glider Chair
  • Stroller and Car Seat
  • Cloth Diapers (we are going with bumGenius 4.0 One Size snaps) We need at least 24 to get a good stash going before baby gets here.  
The following are the smaller items that are still essential items that we will need for the baby:  **NEW** The numbers in the parentheses are how many of each item that we have already.  As you can see we could still use a lot of the small stuff.
  • One-piece sleepers (2)
  • Scratch mittens (4)
  • Newborn hats (2)
  • Onesies (a few for each: newborn, 3-6 months, 6-9 months)
  • Stretchy pants (3)
  • Hoodie jackets (2)
  • Socks  (8)
  • Dress-up outfits  (3)
  • Bathing Suit (2)
  • Receiving blankets (6)
  • Dye-free, scent-free laundry soap 
  • Washcloths  (4)
  • Burp Cloths (10)
  • Diaper pail/laundry basket with lid (1)
  • Baby wash/shampoo (2)
  • Bibs (12)
  • 4 and 8 oz bottles (4)
  • Bottle brush (1)
  • Crib mattress sheets (2)
  • Crib mattress covers (2)
  • Swaddle blankets (2)
  • Baby medical kit (1)
  • Children's books
  • Teething toys (2)
  • Pacifiers (2)
  • Car seat/stroller toys (1)
  • Clothes hangers  (20) need more!
The following may be a little to much information for some people but of course it comes with the territory.
  • Breast pads
  • Breast pump
  • Milk storage containers
And last but not least, the list of things that would be really nice to have:
  • Baby Bullet (baby food maker)
  • Baby monitor
  • Money for our plane tickets home after baby is born :)
This is about all that I can imagine we would need for our little one.  I know it is a lot, people kept on asking so I just decided to put it all down where everyone could see.  Now you know.  :)

We will be finding out the gender on the 22nd and I will do another post about the Gender Reveal Party after it happens.

One last thing:  For those of you that would like to help us stock up for baby but live one the other side of the world, there are a few stores that you can buy from and have them shipped to store or else that will ship to an APO address for free.  The stores here are:  Kmart, Macy's, and the military Exchange Online Store.  You can also check with almost any online store to see if they will ship free to APO and if you need that address just ask, don't want to put it out there for the whole world! :)


Mom said…
Great idea, I will print and share your list at your shower. We will wait until about June to do it.
Unknown said…
Jennifer: something I did not think about until I needed it: a wipe warmer! The air con in the house makes the wipes really cold! The gowns with the elastic at the bottom makes all those diaper changes easier. A boppy pillow makes nursing much easier too.

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