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Your Due Date Is...

On today's blog I wanted to share with you all the ups and downs of determining out due date.  For those of you that don't know doctors use the first day of your last period to determine your due date early on.  When we found out that I was pregnant that date was estimated at August 27 2014.  For those of you that know me and know that that date is my birthday, I was pretty excited.  I thought it was pretty cool that our baby's due date was on my birthday.

The next time that we came around to getting a chance to estimating the due date was at our 12 week ultrasound.  Now it is kind of hard to determine exactly when you are twelve weeks along if you don't know the exact date of conception.  So we estimated based on the doctor's method of using the first day of my last period and went to have the ultrasound around that mark.  According to that ultrasound, the 'dating ultrasound' I was further along that we originally thought.  However, baby girl did not want to stay still long enough for the doctor to get a good measurement from head to rump.  So she used the cranial measurement to estimate how far along I was.  With that estimate our new due date was placed at August 1.

So at this point we had had 2 different due date handed to us and being that they were so far apart we were a little confused.  But for the sake of being excited we told people the Aug.1 date when we were asked!  I mean who could blame us right?

Our most recent ultrasound was our midway, 20 week, ultrasound.  This time we had lots of different measurements taken and test done to make sure that the baby was growing properly and to determine the gender.  This time the ultrasound technician did his own calculating and discovered that the August 1st date may be a little too soon!  But of course he 'didn't have the authority' to tell us exactly how far along I am.  We left that appointment thinking: "alright, the due date is not as far as Aug 27th but not as early as Aug 1st."  Confusing right!?

The following Monday my 'doctor' at branch medical spent about 10 minutes just looking over all our data and such before informing us that she was going to consult her colleagues and figure out if we needed to do another ultrasound for dating purposes during our next appointment.

All of that to get us on another waiting game.  Waiting until about 3.5 weeks from now when we will have another appointment and hopefully another dating ultrasound.  For now we are going to answer the question of "when are you due" with "somewhere between August 1st and August 27th."  Sounds convincing right?

Now, for your viewing pleasure, I took a few pictures of the different projects that I have been working on for the nursery.  The last two canvases I did myself!  :)

 Not quite done with the tree yet but I thought it was just too cute to pass up.

Thanks for reading! 


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