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First Thanksgiving in Guam

I know it has been a while since I posted but there are good reasons for that!  I finally got jobs!  Yes, I said jobs as in plural.  I am now tutoring 2 students and substitute teaching at Guam High School.  So since it has been so long since I last posted anything I need to go back and tell you all what Matthew and I did for Thanksgiving.

We knew that we were not going to be going home this year so we decided to find something to do so that we weren't sitting around missing family.  We decided upon volunteering at the USO to help others during their time away from family.  Nothing makes you feel better than helping someone else when they are in the same basic situation that they are.  At first we were supposed to man the drink station but then there was much more need in the back preparing the food.  We shuffled back there and Matthew got to work carving Hams and I was in charge of distributing and covering the trays that held the carved turkey and ham.  It was crazy back there!   There were about 12 people carving turkeys and ham and it smelt so good!

That is Matthew back in the blue.  They were carving in the boxes that the meat came in then putting it in serving trays.  It was a lot of fun working in the back and seeing what all goes on behind the scenes.  The guys and families that we were serving started coming in around the time that we got everything organized and taken care of.  We stayed most of the morning and got the benefit of getting free reigns on the food before anyone else.  Working in the back, food prep section has its perks!  

We had a really good time helping out at the USO.  We also had plans to go to our church for a Thanksgiving meal with them.  We went there around 1:30 and spent a couple hours fellow shipping with our church family.  By then we were so stuffed and ready for that classic Thanksgiving afternoon nap that we had to head home before we passed out in the church!  Not 10 minutes after we got home were we both laying in bed half asleep!  We took nice long naps together and then relaxed the rest of our Thanksgiving away.  The only negative thing that I have to say about our Thanksgiving was that we did not get any leftovers!  



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