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Showing posts from 2011

there are changes on the horizon...

Change is a good thing in my book.  It allows for more exploration of the unknown.  Change is going to happen whether we like it or not so why not embrace it?  Our marriage is going through a lot of changes right now that will ultimately make us stronger and bring us closer together. It is that time in my college career that I am entering into full time student teaching.  This will be a major change on my part because I will no longer be going to classes at Meredith to listen to my professors lecture.  Instead I will be going to a high school to teach students myself!  Quite a reality check and change in roles.  I am excited and a little nervous but most of all I am ready to take on this challenge head on. Still to come:  What changes are happening with Matthew that will affect the marriage.

love is in the air...

Oct 23, 2010

Yard Sale Time!  Every once in a while we are able to have a yard sale at Nina's place to try and get rid of some things as well as help Nina get ride of some stuff.  Unfortunately our timing for this particular yard sale wasn't that great because it was a really cold morning and the State Fair was still in town.  We probably sold about $10 worth of stuff all together and had about 15 visitors total.  This is not as good as we have done before.  The last yard sale that we had at Nina's Matthew and I sold about $100 worth of stuff by ourselves.  It was fun though and we always enjoy spending time with Nina.

Oct 15, 2010

It is that time of year again!  The time when everyone in the Raleigh area tends to eat too much fatty, fried foods because the state fair is in town.  This year we had to opportunity to attend a Casting Crowns concert at the State Fair with Morgan and Matthew's Mom.  We wanted to be able to enjoy the fair as well so Morgan, Matthew and I all went a little earlier than the concert and walked around, ate some food and rode some rides.  It was a good time over-all and a memorable day none-the-less.  The concert was absolutely awesome!  It was like a huge worship experience with really good sound and lights!

Sept 22, 2010

Ahh yes!  This date was a memorable one because this is the night that I was returning home from work and the Buick overheated as I was on the on ramp for I-440.  It was quite scarey seeing all the smoke pouring out of my car while I was sitting on the ramp as far over as I could possibly be.  People don't seem to care that there is another car in front of them because they were flying by me like nothing else.  Needless to say Matthew came to my rescue and I called AAA so that we could get the Buick towed to the apartment.  AAA arrived about 40 minutes after Matthew did right when we were getting back to the car from exploring around the super Target.  (We had to do something to pass the time.)  And thus the search for a new car began!

Sept 17-19, 2010

A great weekend but a sad weekend the same.  This was the weekend that Matthew and I were able to go up to Virgina Beach and visit Tianna and Andrew before Andrew got sent out on his deployment.  We had a lot of fun hanging out and catching up with Tianna and Andrew over the weekend.  Tianna and I were able to spend some quality time together as well as Matthew and Andrew.  We ate some great food, saw the cutest little puppies and teared up as we were driving away for the last time in months.

Sept 15, 2010

This date was a big one for Matthew because he started a Discipleship class at our church, Journey Church.  This class is a nine month long class that goes through some pretty tough subjects and requires the students to open themselves up in many new ways in order to grow closer to Christ and become Disciples.  I am really proud of him for taking on this class and I have seen many ways in which God is working on him during the time that he has been in the class.

September 11, 2010

Matthew and I took a bus filled with a bunch of Meredith girls down to the North Carolina Zoo.  It was a lot of fun to see all of the animals and plants that are in the Zoo.  I saw my first giraffe and my first elephant in real life!  Matthew had been to a Zoo before but her hadn't been in a long time.  We were able to walk around by ourselves most of the time and meet back at the bus when we were done.  Matthew and I got all the way down to the polar bears before we had to turn around and return to the bus, and just before it started to rain!

Aug 27, 2010

This was my 22nd birthday.  Matthew and I had dinner with family and hung out for my birthday but honestly it must not have been that memorable because I can not remember everything about it.  Sorry.