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First Trimester Woes

Now that I can safely say that I am over the common first trimester symptoms I can look back with a smile on my face.  I did experience a lot of the common symptoms but for the most part I was lucky with the symptoms that I got.
     Here is the list:

  • Nausea 
  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Drowsiness 
My nausea was the worst symptom that I encountered.  I would be held up on the couch for hours unable to do anything.  Luckily, I never got to the vomiting except one time.  The one time that I actually vomited was when I was giving blood around week 5.  I was able to still eat my normal foods so I did not loose any weight like most women tend to do.  I didn't eat nearly as much as I normally did but at least I was still able to eat something.  Matthew went many nights trying to find something for dinner because I was feeling too bad to cook or even stand for the amount of time needed to be able to cook something. 

I also got lucky with the timing of my first trimester symptoms.  It fell during the Christmas time so their were about 2 weeks (which turned out to be my worst weeks) when schools where out for break and I didn't have nearly as much going on.  Tutoring took some time off too and softball only had a couple practices a week.  I was able to hang out on the couch and wallow in my blissful pregnant-ness!  

Another symptom that I was most experiencing, and am still experiencing, was the drowsiness.  I seem to be ALWAYS TIRED!  I can't seem to get over it.  Whether I am sitting on the couch or walking around the house I can get these sudden boughs of tiredness where I just have to close my eyes and relax.  I actually had to skip a softball practice due to these symptoms.  

I guess I am lucky as far as what I experienced versus what other women experience.  Those were really my most drastic of my first trimester woes.  Looking back I am thankful that the timing worked out for the best and that my symptoms were not too serious for too long.  

Now that I am slipping into the second trimester I am no longer nauseous but I am eating a whole lot more!  But, I am keeping the majority of my meals healthy and trying to limit my junk food intake.  I have also sworn off sodas for the duration of the pregnancy.  (Matthew gave up candy since I told him he had to give up something too!)  I am loving not having the nausea and being able to get back into my workout routine again.  The energy level as still not returned but at least I can manage being active for longer amounts of time than I could a few weeks ago.  

Look for our first ultra-sound blog coming soon!


Anonymous said…
So excited to see your little peanut on the ultrasound! Its so funny you write all this. Before I got pregnant I was like, WHATEVER! I'm gonna be superwoman, I'll be able to eat what I want and I won't ever be tired. Its so weird how tired you are! It doesn't even seem like you should be since you aren't really "showing" but you are, those babies just taking so much out of you!

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