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Finding Out and Telling the Family

For those of you just tuning in:  The Ohrvalls are PREGNANT!!  Yep, we are expecting our first child on August 1, 2014.  We waited a while to tell the world (blogging/facebook world) that we were pregnant until our first ultrasound and doctor's visit.  That visit was just this morning!  I can now officially tell you all that we are expecting a baby and as of right now everything is the way that it should be developmentally and baby and mom are both doing great!

We found out that we were pregnant like any other couple, through a home pregnancy test.  But, we were not expecting to get pregnant as fast as we did.  I had just had the birth control that I was using taken out on Halloween day and then just a few short weeks later we were discovering a pregnancy!  God is good, he times things perfectly to fit his purposes and we are praising him for this timing he has made for us.

I had quite a few symptoms that made us wonder for a little while whether I was pregnant so when we finally broke down and decided it was time to take a test we were both shocked that the symptoms I was experiencing were actually due to a pregnancy!  It was a surreal sensation to turn that test over and see two lines!  Matthew didn't even believe it at first even though the lines were clear as day in front of his eyes.

Matthew finally came around to believing that I was pregnant when we got the test done at the doctor's office and they confirmed that I was indeed pregnant.  Reality hits hard sometimes!  Like I said we were not expecting to get pregnant so fast.  The next few weeks went by as a kind of blur for me now.  I would spend most of my day (when I wasn't subbing or tutoring) laying around eating saltines and drinking lots of water.  I was not feeling myself at all!  Luckily for me the Christmas break came and that meant a good amount of time off from any work that I had to so except a couple softball practices to coach.  That was time well spent on the couch or bed dealing with the morning/all day sickness.

We decided that we wanted our immediate family to know about the pregnancy first and that we would hold off on telling most other people until our first ultrasound.  Since it was Christmas time we thought that it would be an awesome Christmas gift to share with the soon-to-be grandparents!  We scheduled times to Skype with our parents and we were able to tell Matthew's mom and family on Christmas Day as well as my dad and grandmother who were at my aunt's house for Christmas breakfast.  Unfortunately my mom did not get to find out until later.  We called my brother since he didn't get Skype.  But by the day after Christmas most everyone in out immediate family knew the big news.  Some of our extended family didn't find out until this blog!  (Sorry guys we wanted to keep it a secret just to be on the safe side.)

We actually told our family over Skype in a unique way.  You see Matthew and I have been going through a Scrabble streak where we both are kind of obsessed with the game.  So we spelled out the words "WE ARE PREGNANT" on the board and then when the family asked about the game we showed them the board.  Needless to say we had a lot of freak-outs, a little crying but mostly just happy family congratulating us.  Being so far from home it is hard not being able to hug family and share this time with them but we are hoping that through this blog you all will feel a little closer to us!  We love you guys and thank you for all your support!


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