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Onward Beach Resort Waterpark

This past Saturday Matthew and I were invited to the Onward Beach Resort Waterpark for the Volunteer Appreciation Day with the USO.  We have been getting more involved with the USO and volunteering our time there.  It has been a lot of fun so far.  At first we didn't think that we would be able to go to the Appreciation day because we had only volunteered once before that.  But when we were personally called and invited to go to a waterpark for a day, then we had to accept.

When you think of a waterpark in the US what do you think about?  Big slides, awesome rides, a wave pool?  Yeah well there were a few of all of those things at this waterpark.  Take a look at the comparison maps that I have for you.  The first one is of Water Country USA, the second Guam's Waterpark.

Guam's waterpark had exactly 4 slides, 2 with tubes and 2 without tubes, one crazy drop ride on a tube, a wave pool and a lazy river plus a couple smaller pools for the kids and a Jacuzzi pool.  We were able to ride every slide and the one ride twice and go around the lazy river a couple times as well as eat lunch and sit through a presentation of gifts/raffle in the 4 hours that we were there.  Don't get me wrong there are a lot of things that are better than a huge waterpark like Water Country USA.  For instance, there were NO RULES!  (And even if there were, no one was there to enforce them.)  So on these rides we saw kids that were at the top of the slide with the rafts running and jumping head first one right after the other.  Dangerous but still they were having fun and no one got seriously hurt as far as we could tell.  The slides without the tubes did have a guy telling you when you were clear to go and the drop ride did have someone to hold your raft and push you off.  But the lines were practically non-existent; I think the longest we had to wait in line for a ride was about 5 minutes at the drop and that is only because it had just opened back up after lunch time.  

We had a fun time at the waterpark and we got a free lunch out of it as well as a prize from the raffle drawing!  Yep, after lunch they gave out gifts for people that held a certain amount of hours volunteering at the USO and then they drew tickets for a raffle that they were giving out tickets for during lunch.  Matthew's ticket won us a new set of kitchen knives!  (What's weird is we had to carry that around the waterpark with us until we left.  We kept it hidden under a towel most of the time because we didn't think the park would allow a huge set of knives to be inside their waterpark.  Apparently we were wrong because one of the USO guys actually asked why we were hiding our new knives as we were leaving!)  "OOG" is one of the phrases that was thrown out a lot during that day.  It means "Only On Guam."  Some of the things we noticed:
  1. Only On Guam would you go to a hotel to get to the only waterpark on the island.
  2. OOG would they allow molding, crusting slides to continue to be used at a water park. 
  3. OOG could you carry around about 20 knives in a tourist attraction and not be thrown out.
  4. OOG could you got to a waterpark at the end of November.
We took some video of a couple of the rides that we went on for you to see for yourself.

This one is one of the tube slides.

This one is closed side without tubes.

And this one was the one that dropped really far and looks like a half-pike.  By far the scariest and most fun.

And here are some pictures that we took while we were there:

This was the raffle/gift table where we wont our new knife set.

Thanks for reading!  :)


Anonymous said…
There is a much larger water park on Guam called Tarza. Although it is not nearly as big as Water Country, it has tons more rides including a FlowRider, a Master Blaster, and the Black Hole. They have been opened since 1997.....too bad you missed out

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