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Chamorro Villiage

Hello All!  I know it has been a while since I have posted anything that is going on around here.  That would be because ... dun dun dun ... there isn't much new going on! :)  This can be a good thing and a bad thing but right now we try to look on the bright side right!?  Well I have gotten word that all of my subbing packet materials have been received and that I should be getting some calls about subbing at the high school soon.  We will see how that goes seeing as it took them two months just to get all my paperwork in.  But other than that it has been pretty much the same here for the day to day business.

This past Wednesday Matthew and I took a little adventure out to the Chamorro Village.  We have driven by the Chamorro Village many times because it is right off the main highway and you have to pass it to get to most of the shops and such that are on the island.  We have even been to the park that is behind the village but we had never actually been in the village until Wednesday.  We had heard that the village is open all the time but that the time to go is on Wednesday nights because they have many local vendors and performers that go out there on Wednesday nights.

So first off let me tell you what exactly the Chamorro Village is.  Basically it is a small area of about 1/2 a mile long that is packed with small houses that resemble the house of the ancient Chamorro culture.  Within these houses there are different shops and restaurants that are owned by the Chamorro people and that sell local products.  Most of the shops that are in the village sell tourist items such as the "I love Guam" t-shirts.  There are a few shops that sell some pretty neat things that you could only find on an island such as huge conch shells.    The village in itself was originally the farmer's market of the island where the local fishermen and farmers would come to sell their goods.  However, over time it has become more and more of a tourist attraction showing off some of the island culture but mostly selling food and high priced souvenirs.

Matthew and I decided that there were going to be many points during our time here on Guam where we were going to have to act like tourist to be able to see some of the sights.  Wednesday night at the Chamorro Village was actually one of those nights.  Walking around the village you could tell that the majority of the people there where tourist (because the majority of the tourist are of Asian decent).

There were some places such as in the picture above where there were mostly Chamorros.  This open air auditorium had a live band and the people inside were dancing to the music.  This particular picture was taken when the electric slide was being performed.  The next few pictures show how most of the village looked.  Small isles between shops that were packed with people who didn't care if they got in your way or cut you off.  Someone needs to teach these Japanese some touring etiquette.  

There was also a small stage where some local girls were performing 'ancient dances' for the crowd.  We stopped and watched them for a while and it was quite entertaining.

We went mostly for the food and to see the place so we got some pretty good eating done.  The Chamorro know how to BBQ their meat really well.  Their BBQ is really good and we got sticks of it for $1 a stick.  The stick that I am holding in this picture is actually a local dessert.  It is a banana wrapped in this crunchy fried dough almost like a fried banana rolled in honey.  It was pretty good.  They also had a lot of slushy and smoothie vendors.

Overall, the outing was a good one and we saw some pretty neat stuff.  The BBQ was good and and we will remember the time that we spent that.  However, I don't think that we will, like many locals, go to the village every Wednesday evening.  Now we can mark that off of the list of touristy adventures that Matthew and I will be doing while we are here.


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