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Jennifer Moves to VA Beach

On Saturday the 23rd I took the rainy three hour drive up to VA Beach to move in with one of my long time high school girlfriends, Tianna Yentzer.  It was time for the change and moving up to VA Beach was the best sort of change that I needed at this time in my life.  I will now have a roommate who is also a Navy wife and whose husband is away on deployment.  Much more in common than any person down in good ole NC where there are no Navy people within a 100 mile radius.  (That may be a little bit of an exaggeration but that is how I feel.)

So anyway, it is now Sunday and I am all moved into my new 'home' for the next few months.  Now it is time for my first test of how well I am able to organize and get situated in a new location.  I have to change banks, change addresses for mail and accounts, find a job and much more fun stuff that is involved in relocating your life.  I like to think of this as a sort of trial run for what will happen when I move to Guam with Matthew.  I will be in VA Beach for about 5-7 months depending on how things go with Matthew when he gets to Guam before me.  He will be going in May and then he will have to fill out some paperwork for me to be able to go over with him.  With that said, I am hoping that I will be able to follow him less than a month after he gets there himself.

A little about my new roommate...

Her name is Tianna, as I already mentioned.  She and I went to the same high school at which we both met our future husbands.  Tianna is married to Andrew who is also a Navy man.  They have been married since 2007 and Andrew is on his 2nd deployment.  Tianna and I came to the agreement to become roommates shortly after I decided to leave my job as a teacher.  We are both away from our significant others and tend to spend evenings feeling slightly lonely.  Although, I have to say that since I have been up here talking to Tianna she seems to be handling herself remarkably during this deployment by keeping herself busy with her photography business and having many other Navy wives to spend time with.

I believe that this move will be good for me.  I will meet other Navy wives and talk to them about things that we have in common.  That is a big jump from having no one understand what I am going through back in NC.  (Not that that is any of y'all's fault back in NC, you just don't know what it is like unless you are involved.)  I am also close to a Naval Base so I can get anything that I need to get done in order to be sent overseas with Matthew.

The job hunt...

That is a laugh right now.  I get out of the education system to try and get back in on a lesser scale in VA by becoming a substitute and/or tutor.  If there is anyone out there that knows a good way into this type of position please feel free to enlighten me.  I will start my job hunt tomorrow.  If I can find a tutor/substitute teaching position then I am going to have to try and go to the Fleet and Family Support Center to find something on base or get a waiting job.  I just know that I need to do something so that I don't end up sitting around the house all the time.

Update on Matthew...

Matthew is still in Texas, he started his 'C' School this past week.  He is beginning his training on dog handling and is very excited about learning all about the different techniques and commands that are used for dog handling.  They moved him into a hotel room on base that houses the other MWD (Military Working Dog) candidates.  That means that he now has his own room with cable TV and wireless internet.  He is able to talk on the phone and on Skype after school is let out for the day so it is a lot easier to keep communication open for now.  He enjoys his studies and keeps busy during the week.  The weekends are more of a relaxing time for him right now since he is in a new place and pretty far away from any sort of entertainment besides walking around the BX.

I know this was long, my own little book, but that is the update for now.  Thanks for reading!


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