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beach weekend

This weekend Matthew and I went down to Myrtle Beach to visit Matthew's step-father Ralph. We left Saturday morning after a long but amazing Friday night of celebrating Matthew's graduation from Vance Granville Community College. Lee came down and went to the graduation along with me, Morgan and Matthew's mom. It was great spending time with him. We went and ate at Applebee's in Wake Forest where we ran into an old friend Heidi. It was great seeing her again and it makes both of us want to get back in touch with her.

But back to the beach. We left in the morning and arrived about 1:30pm. We spend a good amount of time reconnecting with Ralph and for me getting to know him. He was a sweet man with a great heart for the Lord. We met his soon to be wife and some of her family. Then we were able to go to the beach and spend some time relaxing and soaking up the sun. Matthew went for a walk while I read my book in the sand. The craziest thing was when he returned to me after about an hour and a half and I had been worried about him he told me a wonderful story about how he got to witness to a random man on the beach and talk to him about Jesus! AWESOME! We went back to eat some dinner and hang out some more then fell into bed exhausted from the day's activities.

On Sunday we went to Ralph's church. It was a wonderful church and the cool thing was that they served breakfast every Sunday! Not just the worn out cereal and toast breakfast either there was some good stuff there! I had a bagel, blue berry muffin, yogurt and orange juice. And they were baptizing people that had accepted Christ during the service in a swimming pool right outside the church. After church we went back to Ralph's for a little while and then off to the beach again to take in what all we could until it was time to return home. We went back to Ralph's to eat some lunch and pack our things and then we were off headed back to Raleigh.

Of course we were too tired to worry about cooking dinner so what did we do? Chinese Take-out of course! Over all the weekend was a blast and we will probably plan another trip to go down and visit in a few months or so.


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