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The amazing beach trip by Matthew

This weekend, 5/14/10 through 5/17/10, was a great weekend. My wife and I went down to Myrtle Beach to visit my step dad whom I haven't seen in 9 years. He was in prison. During his sentence he committed his life to Jesus and catching up with my step dad, Ralph, and the weather was perfect. The beach was beautiful and the ocean temperature was just right. There is one story that stands out while we were on our trip. It was Saturday afternoon and we were able to go to the beach to relax and get some sun. My wife decided to stay on the sand and get a tan while reading her book, Twlight series. After a short time of sitting around I decided to go for a walk on the beach. I walked for a while, tried to catch fish, looked at dead jelly fish, and enjoyed the ocean breeze. After a while my feet started to hurt and I turned back to see my wife. While I was walking back I noticed a guy looking at me. He reached into his bag and said to me: "Hey man cover over here." I said the fist thing that popped into my head: "Naw man I'm good." Well, who would have guessed the guy just pulled out a cigarette and wanted to know if I had a lighter? I didn't have anything on me, but my swimming trunks and a God chain. Then I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me saying: "Its okay." As the guy started talking to me I soon noticed that he had a black eye, a cut on his nose and a swollen knot on his head. I asked him what happened and he told me his whole story. He was at the strip club and met some guys to roll with. They started heading back home and they jumped him, beat him up, stole his money, and left him unconscious in the middle of the highway. The story was amazing and sad at the same time. He told me that he wanted to get his brothers, whom are in the army, to go beat the mess out of them. I told him it wouldn't be worth it, and he agreed. A few seconds after telling me that he noticed my chain and flicked it while at the same time saying, "Oh you're probably an army brat too." I said clear and bold, "No, Sir, I am a soldier of Christ, I fight for him." Then the conversation blossomed from there! He and I got to share about how wonderful God is and how He is our protector. I told him that I am a man of God, and tried to encourage him on his situation. He told me at one point that he "caught me" because he thought that I was going to throw the gospel down his throat. I assured him that that was not the reason I was here. I just listened. After ten minutes of talking back and forth, I asked him if I could pray for him. After a moment of silence he said, "Sure man why not." During the time I was praying for him he started crying. I felt like my words were impacting him to the core, Gods voice started flowing through me and he blessed me with the correct words. When I was almost done he jumped in and prayed that God would help him with his drinking. When we were done praying I felt the Holy Spirit tell me it was time to go. As I was getting ready to tell him that I was about to go, he jumped into another conversation. He told me that he helped out a lady yesterday with some gas and she told him that the Lord is going to bless him but when that happened he doubted her every word. He started thinking for a little bit, and then it looked like a light-bulb went off over his head. He said to me, "You know what man, God sent you here to be my blessing. You are my blessing. Than you so much!" I was shocked, Leaping with joy on the inside, I felt like my faith was at an all time high.
We chatted a bit more and I got his name, Tucker, but people call him Big Tuck. I excused myself and couldn't wait to tell my wife the story. I learned that day just like any day God can use you for anything at anytime. As a faithful warrior of the Lord it is my duty, and yours, to listen for him even in the moments of fear. In conclusion our overall trip was amazing. All Tucker needed was someone to listen, and he wanted to be heard. James 1:19.


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