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there is a first time for everything

So I know that I am a little late on the update of last weekend considering it is next weekend already but hey better late than never.  Last weekend Matthew and I had a lot of first time experiences.  We had our first time staying over at a family member's house when we stayed with my Nina on Friday night.  We stayed over there to be able to help her get ready for the yard sale that we would be having Saturday morning and so that we would not have to bring all of our stuff for the yard sale over early in the morning.  It was a great night.  We ordered pizza, made yard sale signs and put price tags on all of the stuff that we were going to be selling.  I must admit it was a little different staying in the same room with Matthew when my mom's mom was in the room just across the hall. 

Saturday morning we had to awake bright and early in order to prepare for our day's adventures.  We started setting stuff outside at around 7:15 because all our ads said that the yard sale started at 8:00.  Of course there were a few of those early birds that have to be the first to yard sales in order to grab the good stuff.  I guess we didn't have to much 'good stuff' because the people that came early didn't really get that much stuff! Later in the morning we had sold a good amount of stuff but when we looked at our inventory it looked just as stocked as it was when we first set it all out.  That kinda surprised us all because even though we were selling pretty well and we had a good amount of people turn out it didn't look like we had sold a thing.  Right about the time that we started to slow down there was one man that came by and decided to buy out all of Matthew's old x-box stuff.  The funny thing about that was:  HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE AN XBOX!!  He said that he was thinking about getting one, I guess now he better or else he won't have anything to do with the things that he bought from us.  But no matter because we made most of our money off of him! 

We had everything put away and lunch in our bellies by 12:30 and were ready to take on our next task for the day.  I needed an oil change for my car and Matthew wanted to learn how to do it from my dad.  He already knew how to change oil he just never had done it on my car so he wanted to make sure he was doing everything right so we went to my father's house.  We also thought that the breaks needed to be changed but turns out they were just fine, but Matthew got an extra lesson from daddy about breaks!  It was a great time watching my hubby get all oily and sweaty on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon and me hanging out with my dogs and my dad and taking photos.  And for a treat afterward we went to get ice cream at Dairy Queen!

On Sunday we heard a great lesson about the soon return of our savior Jesus Christ!  Pastor Jimmy at Journey Church is such a great speaker and his lessons are so relevant and easy to understand.  I really do like this new church that we have found.  After church we got a surprise call from Mark and had to rush over to Wake Forest in order to help a couple lay some hay down around the trees in their yard.  You may think that that is an easy job but when you have that big a yard and that many trees it really is hard work, especially if you haven't eaten anything but a bowl of cereal all day and you are working for three and a half hours. Needless to say Matthew and I went home and ate and relaxed after that amount of work.  But over all it was definitely an awesome weekend full of first times and excitement.


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