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easter vacay and andrew's birthday!

So this past weekend, Easter weekend, Matthew and I took a trip up to VA Beach to go camping and spend some time with our best friends, Andrew and Tianna Yentzer.  Matthew and I both had Friday off so we decided to head out around 11:30 am on Friday morning.  We had packed everything up on Thursday and had made a last minute trip to my dad's house to get a few camping essentials.  We had to borrow a tent, lantern, beach towels, and a propane grill.  We actually ended up not even using the grill but it was a good thing to have just in case. 

The ride up there was great.  I love to ride in the Jeep with the windows rolled down and the warm air blowing in my face and of course the music turned up so we could jam out!  I have to say though, the temperature change in the amount of time that it took us to drive up there was crazy.  When we started our drive the temperature from the jeep said 81 degrees and by the time that we got to VA Beach the temperature had dropped down to 76.  Mind you it was only 3:30 when we got to Andrew and Tianna's house.  But no matter the ride was still a lot of fun with my wonderful husband and we enjoyed that time together.

When we finally arrived we had to ring the door bell 2 times with no luck of them two hearing us!  But they did eventually realize that we were there and welcomed us in with hugs all around.  We love visiting and seeing them because it is not very often that that happens now-a-days. (What with us growing up and all!)  Friday night was basically a chill and catch up night.  We went and ate dinner at Olive Garden (now my mouth is watering for their salads) which of course was great.

After a hard night of sleeping on the floor in the spare bedroom it was time to get prepared for the day's events.  First Andrew had to go and run a road race, which he won 3rd place in. (CONGRATS AGAIN!)  Then Tianna had to go and rehearse for a play that she is directing at her school.  While she was there the rest of us went to Walmart to load up on any last minute food items that we would need to have for our camp out.  So naturally we got all of the ingredients needed to make s'mores.  At about 1:00 we left the house all packed and loaded into, and on top of, the jeep.  Finding a camping site that was suitable to every one's liking was a little tricky but in the end we all came to love the site that we choose.  By 3:00 we had all of our tents set up and our luggage unpacked so that we could head over to the beach and enjoy the evening. 

Playtime on the beach was a lot of fun.  Andrew had a boomer-rang that he and Matthew were playing with, or rather trying to figure out.  It was quite a treat watching them struggle with the right way to throw the thing so that it had some similarities to what is said it is supposed to do, that is circle back to you.  A few times I thought it was going to come straight down on one of them and chop their head off or something crazy like that.  Of course if you know me then you know that I could not just sit there and watch while the boys had fun with the toy.  I had to give it a try.  And of course the first time that I try, while it looked better than what they were throwing, it still ended up in the cold water of the ocean!  I felt so bad!  Andrew had to go in the water and get it soaking his entire lower body.  (Sorry again Andrew).  Funny enough though was that this was not the only time that the boomer-rang ended up in the ocean that evening.

Later that night we were visited by Conner and Laura, some of Andrew and Tianna's friends in VA Beach.  They were a really sweet engaged couple and they were fun to hang out with.  They came by after we had cooked our steaks over the grill and had a few hot dogs for dinner.  We all went back to the beach and of course the boys were playing with their toy again.  This time the boomer-rang seemed to not want to stay away from the ocean.  There were a few times when it would land just at the end of the water so you wouldn't have to go to far in after it.  But this one epic time the boomer-rang went pretty far into the water and Conner went in to get it at about waist deep, the only problem was that he didn't wait until he got out of the water to throw it again.  He threw that thing hard and it went back further and further over the water until it landed so far back that you would have to swim after it!  Those boys actually went swimming in that cold water to search for the boomer-rang that was alas never found!  One day though we all believe that it will wash ashore when we are walking on the beach somewhere. 

frisbee that Matthew and I had brought since the boomer-rang was not set out to sea.  I got some really great shots of them throwing and catching the disc on the beach.  After we had had enough of that we decided to pack up and go play some disc golf before Matthew and I had to head back to good ole NC.  Disc golfing is always fun but it seems like the only time I play is with Andrew and Tianna thus my skills are limited to say the least.  We played 9 holes and then went to subway for lunch.  That sandwich was probably the best I have ever had because I was so hungry by the time we got to eat.  You know how when you haven't eaten in a while and you have those hunger pains and then when you finally do eat it seems like that meal was the best you have ever had?  Yeah that is basically how I felt.

After lunch Matthew and I helped unload Andrew and Tianna's stuff from the jeep and said our goodbyes.  Goodbyes are always hard but we had to get on the road because we didn't want to get to tired and then have to drive all the way home.  I drove about 3/4 of the way while Matthew took a nap and then Matthew drove the rest of the way so that I could rest up as well.  We decided that we didn't want to cook dinner so we were going to stop by my Nina's house for leftovers from their Easter lunch that they were supposed to have had.  To our surprise, when we got to my Nina's house all of the family was still there and they had not even eaten yet.  Apparently it was an Easter dinner not lunch so Matthew and I were able to see everyone and eat dinner with them.  It was a great coincidence because I had wanted to attend the family event but had let that go because I thought we were going to miss it.  God works in mysterious ways. 

Thus we ate a lovely dinner and had some great conversation with family and then headed home to unpack and get showers. Over all the weekend was one of the best we have ever had thus far in our marriage and we can not wait for many many more wonderful weekends like it.


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