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Showing posts from September, 2014

Most Precious Smiles!

That's right, Isabella is smiling away now!  She loves to smile at mom and dad when we are talking to her.  She is especially happy in the mornings after a diaper change.  It is the most precious thing when she smiles at us.  My heart just melts whenever I am talking to her and she breaks into that beautiful smile.  She can go from being upset and wining to smiling away when we get up close and show her some love. Another lucky piece of information about our little angel is that she is not a major crier!  Thank goodness for that! Don't get me wrong, she cries for all the normal baby reasons (like when momma can't get her to food fast enough) but her cries are more like loud wines.  She isn't too loud and hopefully it will stay that way for a while.  She has found her voice and cues at us so hopefully this is the volume her 'talking' will stay. More 1-2 month developments include: Lifting her head off the floor during tummy time for a few seconds at a time

Isabella is 1 Month Old!

So as promised in my last post:  I have some exciting news!  But you must read on and get some baby goodness first! Today is 9/11/14 in Guam and while for some this day is still a tragic memory of the lives lost just a few years ago, today it is a celebratory day for the Ohrvalls because we are proud to have a (no longer newborn) 1 month old in our household!  We are totally smitten with this little one and love her to death even when she wakes us 3-4 times a night and drains us of any real sound sleeping.  But we will forgive her of that and hold it over her head when she is a teenager  (Just kidding...kinda!) Isabella has reached a few milestones already in her short time with us.  Here are some of the things she is doing now: Holding her head up for short amounts of time while having tummy time or being supported as she sits up Following Mommy and Daddy's voices/faces by turning her head towards us Sufficiently putting her hands in her mouth and suckling her fingers Sl

Introducing Isabella Marie Ohrvall

It has been a while since my last post but that is with good reason!  A newborn baby will take up a lot of your time.  Now that Isabella is nearing her 1 month old mark, we wanted to share some of the beauty that we see everyday with you all.  We had a photo session about 2 weeks ago where some awesome pictures were taken.  Now you get to see some of them too! We are very happy with the way that these photos turned out.  Hope you guys like them too! Isabella is almost one month old!  Can't believe it has already been one month since she joined us out in the real world.  She is growing beautifully and is slowly getting baby chub.  She has small rolls around her thighs and arms as well as a growing double chin.  It is too cute!   She loves to be swaddled and usually will calm right down after we put her in her swaddle blanket.  Daddy is the pro at swaddling, she always seems to get her hands out when Mommy swaddles her.   She is not a