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35 Week Update

I know it has been a while since I have written an update but there really is a good reason for that:  there isn't much new to update you on!  I have gotten bigger, I am still having the most common pregnancy symptoms and I am bored as heck sitting at home with not much to do.  Any who, I'll give you the run down of what's going on.


  • Soreness:  I am almost to the point of doing the waddle walk where-ever I go now-a-days.
  • Fatigue:  I tire out really easily.  I can take about a 30 minute walk before I start to feel the need to sit down due to shortness of breath or cramping.  I get short of breath easily if I am standing and talking for an extended amount of time.  I found this out at church when standing and singing during worship would leave me out of breath in just a few verses!
  • Bladder Control:  I have to pee ALL THE TIME!!  Seriously!  It is worse now than it was during the first trimester.  If I go from sitting to standing, then I have to pee, even if I went less than an hour previously.  Otherwise I am in the bathroom at least every two to three hours.
  • Sleep:  Isabella moves A LOT!  She loves to keep me awake at night with all of her kicking and rolling around.  She has stopped rolling a little bit, probably because she is running lower on space.  But that doesn't mean she doesn't like to give me plenty of forceful kicking and movements!  It is really kind of creepy to watch my stomach roll and move with her.  I can almost make out different body parts now!
  • Joint pain:  Is is normal for a pregnant woman to get what is the equivalent of arthritis in her hands?  I ask because every morning when I wake up my joints in my hands and fingers are really stiff.  If I flex them out they start to feel better but are still achy throughout the day.
One good thing that comes with being home and not having work at this time in the pregnancy is that I can nap pretty much anytime during the day that I want.  I get bored at home by myself most of the day but I try to fill my day with different 'things' that need to get done.  I like to go to the pool a lot because I can spend time there just relaxing and I can get a workout in the water.  The water helps me feel like I am not as pregnant as I really am.  

Isabella has 'dropped' in the last couple days.  She is a lot lower in my pelvic region.  I can't bend my legs a full 90 degrees without my thighs pressing against my belly.  I can feel a lot more pressure on my pelvis now when I am sitting and standing.  I have read that after a baby 'drops' it is normally about 2-4 until labor starts. According to my doctors I am not due for another 5 weeks!  But we know how much trouble I've had with the whole due date thing.  I have had a few people say that they think I am going to go earlier than August 13 but only time will tell.  I want the little miss to get as much cooking time as she needs!

So I knew that you guys would want to see an updated picture of the belly so I added a few for your viewing pleasure.  

Here are a couple from an afternoon beach workout/swim that Matthew and I did.

Here is the baby bump selfies! 

35 weeks 1 day

Thanks for reading!  :)


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