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Nursery Alphabet Wall

Well new and exciting things are developing in our little girl's room this week/weekend!  We were able to purchase a "previously loved" crib and mattress set for pennies on the dollar and my much anticipated wooden alphabet letters came in the mail this week!  We have been busy setting the nursery in the layout that we want and decorating the walls!  This is so much fun for me!  I love getting ideas off of places like Pintrest and just going at them with my own little twist in there to make them my own.  Previously I showed you guys two of my different canvas wall art projects.  Both stemmed from ideas off of Pintrest.  This weekend I want to show you all the alphabet wall that I did with a lot of help from my wonderful husband!  So here it is:

Don't you just love it!  When I saw this trend on Pintrest I knew I had to do my own!  I bought the alphabet letters from a seller on ebay that was selling them for pretty cheap.  They are just pressed wood and the edges weren't too rough so I didn't have to sand them.  I eagerly awaited these suckers because the alphabet wall was the one big piece to the nursery that I knew I had to have!  I modge-podged (or actually half Elmer glue half water for substitute modge podge since they don't sell it on this island) scrapbook paper of the colors that I wanted to stand out in the room.  I am going with a patterned look in pink, turquoise, light blue and light green.  I thought these colors would look best together with everything else that we have going on.  Plus it was also awesome that I already had the scrape book paper from my scrape-booking days.

The crib in the picture is the one that  we got for a great price from a lady that is pcs-ing soon down the road.  She sold us the whole set with the mattress and the mobile.  I am not sure if I am going to keep the mobile yet because I was planning on making my own but hey it might just be easier to use the one I already have.  We will see how it goes.  I might go crazy needing another project to wrap myself in soon enough.  

Anyways, there was one more momentous purchase that we made this weekend.  Up until now Matthew and I had not purchased a single piece of clothing for our little girl.  I am happy to say that now the first item of clothing has been purchased and that the wording on the front shirt is probably indicative of how this little girl already has daddy wrapped around her finger!  Matthew saw a total of 1 other outfit before this one; he read the front onsie and instantly decided that was the set he wanted to get!  Of course I agreed but really mostly because I thought the designs on the other onsies were super cute too! 

One last picture before I finish up; but only because I know you all are wanting an updated belly shot!  I am actually starting to look like a pregnant woman a little.  Rounding out to the point where its not as hard to tell that I am carrying an actual baby and not a food baby!  (Even though this picture doesn't do a very good job of showing that.)  :)

Thanks for reading!


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