On today's blog I wanted to share with you all the ups and downs of determining out due date. For those of you that don't know doctors use the first day of your last period to determine your due date early on. When we found out that I was pregnant that date was estimated at August 27 2014. For those of you that know me and know that that date is my birthday, I was pretty excited. I thought it was pretty cool that our baby's due date was on my birthday. The next time that we came around to getting a chance to estimating the due date was at our 12 week ultrasound. Now it is kind of hard to determine exactly when you are twelve weeks along if you don't know the exact date of conception. So we estimated based on the doctor's method of using the first day of my last period and went to have the ultrasound around that mark. According to that ultrasound, the 'dating ultrasound' I was further along that we originally thought. However, baby girl d...
The life and times of 'The Ohrvalls' as we embark on this journey sponsored by the Navy.