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Showing posts from March, 2014

Your Due Date Is...

On today's blog I wanted to share with you all the ups and downs of determining out due date.  For those of you that don't know doctors use the first day of your last period to determine your due date early on.  When we found out that I was pregnant that date was estimated at August 27 2014.  For those of you that know me and know that that date is my birthday, I was pretty excited.  I thought it was pretty cool that our baby's due date was on my birthday. The next time that we came around to getting a chance to estimating the due date was at our 12 week ultrasound.  Now it is kind of hard to determine exactly when you are twelve weeks along if you don't know the exact date of conception.  So we estimated based on the doctor's method of using the first day of my last period and went to have the ultrasound around that mark.  According to that ultrasound, the 'dating ultrasound' I was further along that we originally thought.  However, baby girl did not want

Gender Reveal!!

It is finally time to reveal what so many people back home are waiting for...the reveal of our baby's gender!  I won't muck up the post with a whole bunch of words, I'll let yall experience it as much as you can through the pictures.  But I do have to say thank you to everyone that helped out and that came out to celebrate with us!  It really came together nicely and was so much better than I could have ever planned on my own!  Matthew and I had a blast and appreciate everything everyone did! So on to the pictures.... First we went to get the ultrasound done and had the tech put the pictures with the gender in a special envelop for later. Then we gave that envelop to Stephanie, our cake maker!  Here are some pictures of the setup of the party.  Lots of good food! This is the girls' name suggestion tree. And this is the boys' name suggestion tree. This is a gender raffle game that we played.  Turns out .... M

5 Months...Really?

As the title suggest, I am entering into month 5 of the pregnancy.  However, I neither feel nor look like I am that far along at all.  I have gained a little bit more energy even though I still like a nap in the afternoons when I can get one.  I also haven't been having any weird pregnancy cravings like what you hear most women have.  I guess ice cream could count as a craving even though it's not really all that crazy for a pregnant woman to want ice cream.  The crazy thing I guess for me would be that I never really ate ice cream that much before I was pregnant and now I want it at least once a week. No weird dreams either; I'd be lucky if I remembered any dreams anyway.  I hardly ever remember my dreams unless they are really horrible nightmares and thank goodness I am not having any of those. We got some new furniture for the nursery today off of a Guam garage sale website.  We got a real nice dresser/changing table combo that I am pretty excited about.  That makes

Answering Questions

*Update*:  As of today, 6/28/14 we are pretty set as far as the essentials go for baby girl.  We have received many donations from friends here on island that have helped out a lot with stocking up on certain things.  We also had a nice skype baby shower party from which we received a good amount of goodies.  If there was anything else that I could think of that I would like to have for our little girl it would be marked in the post below.  A couple things that are not marked though would be an activity/play mat and a couple more swaddle blankets (the ones with the velcro closure).  Other than that we have a lot of 3-6 month clothes but a lot less of the newborn, 6-9 and on clothes.  She could also use some more hats and mittens as well as baby sized clothes hangers.  :) Thanks for all that everyone has done to help us prepare for our first precious bundle.  We have been so blessed to be able to get almost everything we needed/wanted for a fraction of the cost!   Recently Matthew and