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Tarague Hike and Baby Bump Pictures

This past weekend Matthew and I decided that it was about time for us to go on another hike.  Since I have been pregnant I haven't had the energy to be able to go on a hike.  But, now that I am further along, I can manage a hike that is at an easy or medium difficulty level.  We have been going on walks around the neighborhood almost every night for a few weeks so I felt confident that I could handle a hike.

The hike that we decided upon was called the "Tarague Beach" hike. This was our first hike that was on the beach half the time and in the woods/jungle the other half of the time.  It was classified as a medium difficulty with little elevation (considering it was on the beach) and 1.5 miles total.  It was an all morning thing because we had to travel to Anderson Air Force Base on the northern tip of the island  It took us about an hour to get there and find the start of the hike and then another hour and a half to complete the hike.

I managed the entire hike without an incident.  By the time we reached our turn around point I was breathing a sigh of relief because I knew now exactly how much further until the hike was over.  I would say in the last quarter mile or so I was getting pretty tired and was ready to be back at the car.

We saw some very pretty scenes when we were walking along the ocean.

Matthew walking along some coral checking out all the fish.

We had some snacks for our hike so we pulled some out to feed the fish and get them to come to the surface.  There were dozens of them coming to get some of our snacks.

Sorry I forgot to turn this one before it uploaded.  Just turn your screen sideways! :)

Here is a better look at the fish that we saw.  There were these tiny neon blue fish that were my favorite.

Matthew was particularly fascinated that there were palm trees and pine trees growing side by side right off of this beach.  In this picture the trunks of the two different trees are actually touching.

And as promised I have a few belly shots to show you.  My belly still hasn't popped out yet and I am fast approaching the 5 month mark (18 weeks).  I am told by my parents that I will blow up like a balloon in the last 3 months though!  

I have only gained 10 pounds so far up from my pre-pregnancy weight.  I am also trying to make sure and get to the gym 2-3 times a week and get moving every night with a walk or something.  I have also been eating well with a few indulgences on some nights! :)

We found a starfish on the coral so of course we had to get a picture with it too!


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