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Showing posts from January, 2014

First Trimester Woes

Now that I can safely say that I am over the common first trimester symptoms I can look back with a smile on my face.  I did experience a lot of the common symptoms but for the most part I was lucky with the symptoms that I got.      Here is the list: Nausea  Indigestion Heartburn Constipation Drowsiness  My nausea was the worst symptom that I encountered.  I would be held up on the couch for hours unable to do anything.  Luckily, I never got to the vomiting except one time.  The one time that I actually vomited was when I was giving blood around week 5.  I was able to still eat my normal foods so I did not loose any weight like most women tend to do.  I didn't eat nearly as much as I normally did but at least I was still able to eat something.  Matthew went many nights trying to find something for dinner because I was feeling too bad to cook or even stand for the amount of time needed to be able to cook something.  I also got lucky with the timing of my first trimes

Finding Out and Telling the Family

For those of you just tuning in:  The Ohrvalls are PREGNANT!!  Yep, we are expecting our first child on August 1, 2014.  We waited a while to tell the world (blogging/facebook world) that we were pregnant until our first ultrasound and doctor's visit.  That visit was just this morning!  I can now officially tell you all that we are expecting a baby and as of right now everything is the way that it should be developmentally and baby and mom are both doing great! We found out that we were pregnant like any other couple, through a home pregnancy test.  But, we were not expecting to get pregnant as fast as we did.  I had just had the birth control that I was using taken out on Halloween day and then just a few short weeks later we were discovering a pregnancy!  God is good, he times things perfectly to fit his purposes and we are praising him for this timing he has made for us. I had quite a few symptoms that made us wonder for a little while whether I was pregnant so when we final

The BIG News!

It has been a while since I last posted a blog but with good reason!  I can now officially share our BIG NEWS with the rest of the world!   That's right there is going to be a little Ohrvall running around in Guam in just a few short months!   We are due on August 1, 2014! We found out on December 12th with our first home pregnancy test and then confirmed with a second at home test and a test at the doctor's office within then next couple of days.   We are super excited and can't wait to experience the huge blessing that God has put in our lives! Stay tuned for a blog about the first trimester soon.