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Showing posts from May, 2010

The amazing beach trip by Matthew

This weekend, 5/14/10 through 5/17/10, was a great weekend. My wife and I went down to Myrtle Beach to visit my step dad whom I haven't seen in 9 years. He was in prison. During his sentence he committed his life to Jesus and catching up with my step dad, Ralph, and the weather was perfect. The beach was beautiful and the ocean temperature was just right. There is one story that stands out while we were on our trip. It was Saturday afternoon and we were able to go to the beach to relax and get some sun. My wife decided to stay on the sand and get a tan while reading her book, Twlight series. After a short time of sitting around I decided to go for a walk on the beach. I walked for a while, tried to catch fish, looked at dead jelly fish, and enjoyed the ocean breeze. After a while my feet started to hurt and I turned back to see my wife. While I was walking back I noticed a guy looking at me. He reached into his bag and said to me: "Hey man cover over here." I

beach weekend

This weekend Matthew and I went down to Myrtle Beach to visit Matthew's step-father Ralph. We left Saturday morning after a long but amazing Friday night of celebrating Matthew's graduation from Vance Granville Community College. Lee came down and went to the graduation along with me, Morgan and Matthew's mom. It was great spending time with him. We went and ate at Applebee's in Wake Forest where we ran into an old friend Heidi. It was great seeing her again and it makes both of us want to get back in touch with her. But back to the beach. We left in the morning and arrived about 1:30pm. We spend a good amount of time reconnecting with Ralph and for me getting to know him. He was a sweet man with a great heart for the Lord. We met his soon to be wife and some of her family. Then we were able to go to the beach and spend some time relaxing and soaking up the sun. Matthew went for a walk while I read my book in the sand. The craziest thing was when he retur

two moms

This past weekend Matthew and I had our first mother's day when we both had two mothers to celebrate! In order to honor both of our mother's we had to split the day between the two. Matthew's mom, my mother-in-law, came to our new church with us on Sunday morning. It was a great service and I think that she enjoyed it very much. After church we took her out along with Morgan to Panera Bread for a mother's day lunch. It was a great time of food and conversation and we even got a surprise visit from Dean and Kylie. Unfortunately I had to leave the gathering prematurely in order to make the mac-and-cheese that I had promised for our mid-day extravaganza with my mother. I went back to the apartment at 2:00 to uphold my promise and await my mother's arrival. When my mom finally arrived we had to wait for Matthew to get back from spending time with his mother. It didn't take long because he knew that we had things to do and places to be. We all piled into m

spring saturdays, what more can you ask for?

Yesterday was a lovely day for my husband and I. It started out bright and early, 8:00 for me because I had a 9:00 exam. And yes 8:00 is early for me even though Matthew always gets up at around 5:30. Matthew was a sweetheart and made me some breakfast, bacon and biscuits! I left for my biology exam at about 8:30 so that I could get there early and look over my notes one last time. Turns out it was a good thing I got there a little early because some of the fashion students had taken over the room that we were supposed to have our exam in and Dr. Reid had to change it last minute on us. Luckily I was there to witness the change and I knew where to go, others weren't so lucky when they strolled in the new room at around 9:10. I have to say that the exam was not to bad, I finished it in about an hour and was out of there by 10:05. When I got home Matthew was watching his cartoon so we finished that and then got ready for the rest of our day. The best part of the day was spent