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Showing posts from December, 2014

My Breast Feeding Journey

**Disclaimer:  This post may be a little too detailed for those of you that read this and don't want to know THAT much about my breast feeding misadventures.  This is just a fair warning, read at your own risk!** Before I begin I want everyone to know that I am writing this as a kind of release for myself to try and come to terms with my decisions and to accept that I am doing what is best for myself and my relationship with Isabella. I will start from the beginning.  After my c-section I was able to have some time to hold Isabella chest to chest and start nursing.  Isabella was a champ from the start!  She latched on and started nursing almost immediately.  The first day was easy-peasy.  Day two was a little more difficult.  It was like Isabella completely forgot how to latch and stay latched for food.  I had to consult the lactation consultant at the hospital and get some tips. By the end of the first week of Isabella's life, I was in pain from nursing.  I went to a loc

The LONG Journey Home

As most of you know, Isabella and I flew to North Carolina in late October.  Taking a 2 month old on a 22 hour flight across the world was no picnic by myself but we made it and Isabella did well, sleeping most of the way.  After spending time with family and enjoying our time back in our home town (Matthew came a little later) we finally had to say our goodbyes and come back to Guam.  This time around I was so thankful that I had Matthew there to help me with Isabella on the flights because over the course of the 2 months that we were home she had become a more active baby and didn't sleep as long as when we took the first flights.  Needless to say, I was nervous about how she would do on the journey back. The day started out fine.  We woke early and gathered everything into the car and drove to the airport with my mom and Nina.  After checking in our luggage and getting our tickets we went up to the USO to relax and have some breakfast before going through security.  When the t