**Disclaimer: This post may be a little too detailed for those of you that read this and don't want to know THAT much about my breast feeding misadventures. This is just a fair warning, read at your own risk!** Before I begin I want everyone to know that I am writing this as a kind of release for myself to try and come to terms with my decisions and to accept that I am doing what is best for myself and my relationship with Isabella. I will start from the beginning. After my c-section I was able to have some time to hold Isabella chest to chest and start nursing. Isabella was a champ from the start! She latched on and started nursing almost immediately. The first day was easy-peasy. Day two was a little more difficult. It was like Isabella completely forgot how to latch and stay latched for food. I had to consult the lactation consultant at the hospital and get some tips. By the end of the first week of Isabella's life, I was in...
The life and times of 'The Ohrvalls' as we embark on this journey sponsored by the Navy.