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Showing posts from August, 2014

Isabella's Birth Story

I know that I have been a little lazy with keeping up with my blog posts recently, but I really do have good reasons! Introducing the newest member to the Ohrvall family: Isabella Marie Ohrvall Born:  August 11, 2014 at 5:30 pm Weight:  7lbs 10 oz.  Height:  20 inches I wanted to take this post to tell you guys about how Isabella entered this world. So as most of you already know, Isabella was in the breech position throughout the entire length of my pregnancy.  We tried many different methods to try and get her to turn around (some traditional and some not so traditional methods) but with no luck.  On the morning of Aug. 11 I started having contractions around 9am.  These contractions started off being about 20-30 seconds long and coming every 20 minutes or so.  As the morning went on Matthew and I counted contractions and waited for them to get closer together before making any calls.  Around noon time I went for about an hour w...