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Showing posts from April, 2014

Latest Nursery DIYs

When the husband is away, the wife will play!  Yes I found some diy projects to play with while Matthew has been away this past week.  I wanted to share those with you all so you can see what I have been up to.  All I have to say is Matthew better get home soon or else I am going to have all of our little girl's nursery walls covered with some project of mine! :) The thrift store here on base has been a God send for me this week because I have found a lot of the materials that I used for my projects there for super cheap!  Our little girl is going to have a decked out nursery all for a really low budget!  So with out further ado, here are the two projects that I have been working on this week along with one that I had done previously. So when we bought our crib a few weeks ago the woman that sold it to us also included a mobile that she had used for the crib.  I took it because hey, who doesn't want a free add on right!?  But, I really wanted to make my little girl her

Matthew's First Half-Marathon

It's been a long day for both Matthew and I today!  We started our day at about 2am, getting up and ready for the Guam International Marathon.  They were having 4 different races today:  the Marathon (26.2 miles) the Half Marathon (13.1 miles), the 10K and the 5K runs.  Matthew was scheduled to run in the Half Marathon starting at 4:30.  We left the house at 2:30 thinking we might run into some trouble trying to get a parking spot.  Lucky enough for us, I guess it was just too early for too many people to be out, we didn't have a problem finding parking at the K-mart.  From there it was about a mile walk to the Start/Finish line. We walked down and I settled in to a nice spot where I could watch the races begin and end.  Matthew stretched and got himself all pumped up and excited for this first time adventure of his!  Around 4:10 they were lining up the runners and playing pumped up music to get everyone excited!  Here is the rest of the event in pictures: Gettin

What's Matthew Up To?

Today I wanted to take some time to tell you all what my wonderful husband has been up to!  I am so super proud of everything that he has been doing lately.  He has had a leadership role thrust upon him and has stood up to the challenge so well!  There are quite a few things that have had him pretty busy lately (not to mention having a pregnant wife with crazy hormones to contend with too.) Besides the leadership role within his job, Matthew has also been volunteering his time with an organization on base and in the Navy called 'C-SADD' the Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions.   He has been helping them out with the meetings and gatherings that they have had. Something that I know Matthew is both excited and nervous about is his upcoming half marathon that he will be running in this weekend!  He has been running for a long time (since before he joined the Navy) and now he wanted to push himself by signing up for this half-marathon.  It is an international mar

Nursery Alphabet Wall

Well new and exciting things are developing in our little girl's room this week/weekend!  We were able to purchase a "previously loved" crib and mattress set for pennies on the dollar and my much anticipated wooden alphabet letters came in the mail this week!  We have been busy setting the nursery in the layout that we want and decorating the walls!  This is so much fun for me!  I love getting ideas off of places like Pintrest and just going at them with my own little twist in there to make them my own.  Previously I showed you guys two of my different canvas wall art projects.  Both stemmed from ideas off of Pintrest.  This weekend I want to show you all the alphabet wall that I did with a lot of help from my wonderful husband!  So here it is: Don't you just love it!  When I saw this trend on Pintrest I knew I had to do my own!  I bought the alphabet letters from a seller on ebay that was selling them for pretty cheap.  They are just pressed wood and the edges