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Showing posts from February, 2014

Tarague Hike and Baby Bump Pictures

This past weekend Matthew and I decided that it was about time for us to go on another hike.  Since I have been pregnant I haven't had the energy to be able to go on a hike.  But, now that I am further along, I can manage a hike that is at an easy or medium difficulty level.  We have been going on walks around the neighborhood almost every night for a few weeks so I felt confident that I could handle a hike. The hike that we decided upon was called the "Tarague Beach" hike. This was our first hike that was on the beach half the time and in the woods/jungle the other half of the time.  It was classified as a medium difficulty with little elevation (considering it was on the beach) and 1.5 miles total.  It was an all morning thing because we had to travel to Anderson Air Force Base on the northern tip of the island  It took us about an hour to get there and find the start of the hike and then another hour and a half to complete the hike. I managed the entire hike withou

Belly Pictures (First 3 Months)

I am now 15 weeks prego and my belly is starting to look more rounded than flabby.  Hooray for that!  I can still hide it pretty well and most people would never suspect that I am pregnant.  I am going to enjoy this time while I can because I have heard from multiple people that once I start to look like I am carrying a basketball in my belly then I will miss these days!  So for now I will post the first of the prego belly pictures.  Please don't judge my amateur photography skills too much!   Hoping to maybe be able to get some professional pictures taken when I am a little further along. Here they are: I think that the 2nd and 3rd months pictures look so similar!  You can't really even see much of a difference. But I am supposed to be gaining about a pound a week during the second trimester and I already weigh more now than I ever have my entire life!  It's crazy to weigh myself and see bigger numbers than I am used to. I am still being active as much as I can an

First Pictures of Baby Ohrvall

As promised, I have some ultrasound pictures for you all to see!  We had these done at our 'dating ultrasound' appointment where the doctors thought I was only 10-12 weeks along.  Turns out, like I tried to tell them, we were actually 12 weeks and 6 days!  Almost 13 weeks along.  We were so far along that they had to use a different method for the ultrasound. Baby Ohrvall took after daddy, he/she was very mobile and would hardly stay still long enough to get a good picture or measurement.  Luckily we got a couple to share!  We got one with the head looking at us and the other with the head looking up.  Needless to say Matthew and I both melted at the sight of our little one.  It's so real now!  Before the ultrasound we knew it was real but until you actually see what is happening inside there is a sort of haze over the whole thing that makes you wonder, 'is this real?'  That haze has been lifted and we are even more excited and nervous preparing for the arrival of