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Showing posts from December, 2010

August 17th: When the work comes, it comes in twos!

One day during the summer I decided to go to the local library to find a good book to read.  While I as there I saw an ad posted on all of the checkout desks that said that the library was looking for a page to work there.  Since I had been looking for a job and filling out many applications I figured that it wouldn't hurt if I went ahead and filled out another application.  It was a whim thing.  Luck for me a few weeks later I got a call asking for an interview from that same library.  I guess they liked me because a couple days later I got asked to join their team and was given my work schedule.  Needless to say I was praising Jesus for the whole thing money is tight during the first year of marriage.  Not so lucky is the fact that not even a week after I started my first job classes started as well.  Well what can I say:  when things happen they happen in twos (at least). 

Updates time!

So I have not been blogging for a while.  There is a reason for that trust me.  I know the last post that I made was in early August.  Soon after that post I started classes at Meredith.  My excuse for not posting:  my professors kept me very busy this semester.  Considering it is the semester before student teaching during my senior year I would say that that is a good enough excuse.  Well, it has to be!  Anyway, I am going to update the blog with the rest of the year's major events!  Yepp, I am undergoing 4 months of post all during my Christmas break!  So, this should be interesting!