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Showing posts from July, 2010

July 4th is more than Independence day around here

We know that it is way past July 4th now but this month has just been so busy that I am just now getting around to blogging about our July 4th.  Matthew's birthday is July 4th and for the longest time when he was a child he thought that everyone celebrated his birthday with fireworks and parties!  It is great to be able to celebrate the independece of our country right along with the birth of one of the most amazing men in my life!  For this year, Matthew's 23rd birthday we had many different ideas about what we wanted to do.  We changed our minds many times before finally settling on going to Washington DC to watch the fireworks.  We were able to drive up to a nearby town called Alexandria and settle into our Marriott hotel room!  Yeah that's right we stayed at a Marriott!   We actually got an amazing deal for that hotel and we were definitely blessed.  After settling in for a little bit and getting our blood flowing again from our long drive w...

Montana Mission Trip

So I know it has been a long time coming because we went to Montana a few weeks ago but this is our update! When we first arrived, after many long hours on airplanes, we had a chance to explore the camp that we were going to be staying at for the next week.  It was absolutely beautiful.  The weather was perfect and different from what we were expecting considering we were so close to Canada.  It was in the upper 60s to the low 70s.   The trees were different than NC trees.  I thought that they were the most beautiful trees I had ever seen with the way that the branches separated exactly symmetrically and shaped the tree is such a way that it was perfectly conical.  They captured my interest most about the woodsy atmosphere.  Secondly, as seen in the above photo, was the rapidly flowing river that was bordering the camp. Most of our first hours were spent sitting or walking along the river and marveling in its beauty and majesty.  God creates ...