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Showing posts from June, 2010

worst monday ever! (5/24/10)

So as my title says, last Monday was one of the worst Mondays that I have had in a long time. It started off early in the morning, 7:30 am, and if you know me then you know that is not a good time of morning for me to be waking anyway. But that had little to do with the bad day. I had to drive up to Louisburg to get my mom's prescription from her doctor's office because she was in SC with my Nina. Nina had been in the hospital since Thursday with complications that they could not quite pinpoint. So I set out early to get the paper that would allow me to get the prescription filled so that I could meet my Aunt at 10:30 when she was going to leave for SC. About half way through my journey to the doctor's office my car started making weird noises and shaking slightly. I called Matthew with a slight air of laughter in my voice and told him that if I broke down that he would have to call in late to work. Mind you I did not think anything of it because didn't think