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Showing posts from March, 2013

Who Knew?

Who knew that there would be SO MUCH involved in preparing for an overseas move!  I had a feeling that there would be a lot just because it was a long way to move but I grossly underestimated how much stuff there is to do!  Add in to the overseas part the fact that Matthew and i will be moving at separate times, that the Navy is SUPER particular about how you move your stuff, and all the pre-planning that goes into a move, then I have an overwhelming amount of moving information to take care of by myself. This week, on Tuesday, I went to an Overseas PCS (Permanent Change of Station) orientation meeting held by the Fleet and Family Support Services on base here in Virginia Beach.  It was VERY informative, perhaps overwhelmingly informative because I left there feeling like my head was going to explode with all that new information! The number one piece of information that I left with was that I absolutely, positively have to get the overseas medical documents together as soon as pos