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Showing posts from February, 2011

there are changes on the horizon...

Change is a good thing in my book.  It allows for more exploration of the unknown.  Change is going to happen whether we like it or not so why not embrace it?  Our marriage is going through a lot of changes right now that will ultimately make us stronger and bring us closer together. It is that time in my college career that I am entering into full time student teaching.  This will be a major change on my part because I will no longer be going to classes at Meredith to listen to my professors lecture.  Instead I will be going to a high school to teach students myself!  Quite a reality check and change in roles.  I am excited and a little nervous but most of all I am ready to take on this challenge head on. Still to come:  What changes are happening with Matthew that will affect the marriage.

love is in the air...